Cuentacuentos Tepeztate – Serafín García Gerónimo 750ml
Cuentacuentos Tepeztate is produced by Maximiliano “Serafín” García Gerónimo on a small hillside outside of San Dionisio Ocotepec. The agave...
Banhez Tepeztate Mezcal 750ml
Comprised of 100% Tepeztate agave (which can take up to 25 years to mature), this rare bottling of this unique agave species yields a flavor rich in smoke and terroir...
Don Amado Tepeztate Mezcal 750nl
Don Amado Tepeztate is made with maguey Tepeztate (Agave marmorata) by the Arellanes brothers in Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca in clay pots.
Don Amado’s mezcaleros...
La Medida Tepeztate Mezcal
Harvested after growing 20–25 years in the wild, the Tepeztate grows to be massive; nearly the size of a VW Bug or a Mini Cooper. Found at high elevations, they often grow...
Salvadores Mezcal Tepeztate Joven 750ml
Sparkling, crystalline, with fresh notes very herbal, floral, creamy, and slightly citrus and tropical notes. Scents of pine, fresh green herbs, jalapeno...
Mala Idea Tepeztate Mezcal
Sight. Crystalline and Seductive.
Smell. Typical fragrance of cooked agave. Fresh subtle smoked ocean air and wet ground. Harmonious, Silky.