Montagave Exploración Añejo Tequila 750ml
Rested for 34 months in Sauternes casks from Bordeaux, France, this tequila ventures into new territory and stands as a first in its class. We’re thrilled to finally share it with you.
Throughout its journey, we returned to it time and again, tasting and wondering if it had reached its moment. After 34 months, it finally deemed itself ready - and it exceeded all expectations. Just two months shy of an extra añejo, this expression isn’t about chasing designations - it’s about prioritizing flavor above all else. The extended rest in Sauternes casks imparts layers of tropical fruit, wildflowers, and honey, balanced by a soft, elegant structure that reflects the care and time invested in barrel.
A blend of four barrels bottled at 44% ABV, this tequila is crafted for those magical moments shared with friends and family - eating, drinking, connecting, and celebrating.