Paqui Reposado Tequila 750ml
Floral notes, spice and fruit intermingled with cut green grass, white tea and jasmine. Subtle oak imparts aromas of soft vanilla and custard.
A balance...
Paqui Anejo Tequila
The gentle notes of the agave are complemented by oaky tannins, licorice, clove, butterscotch pudding and custard.
Silky and rich with vanilla and...
Tequila Joe's Silver is 100% Blue Agave produced in Atotonilco el Alto, the Highlands of Jalisco. Bottled directly after a double distillation process, Tequila Joe's Silver Select impresses the most...
Incredible mouth watering aromas of sweet lemon lime agave, with slight hints of white pepper and intriguing smokiness. Finishing gently on the pallet with unparalleled smoothness and an...
Lapis Silver tequila 750ml
Nom 1146
Nose: Pear, pepper, herbal. Some greenish agave and a hint of root vegetables. More agave and fruit notes come through on the palate.
Arta Silver
Triple distilled from 100% Blue Weber agave grown on our family-run single estate. Hand bottled in our signature triangle bottles.
AROMA: Fresh roasted agave, citrus and...