TEQUILA Clase Azul Reposado 750ml
Clase Azul - Reposado Tequila - Ceramic Bottle The perfect marriage between the finest tequila and a beautiful hand-crafted, hand-painted Mexican bottle. Produced and bottled in Jalisco, from 100% agave (weber blue agave) and twice distilled. Aging in fine oak barrels gives Clase Azul distinct, smooth flavors and aromas, as well as an excellent balance over the palate. 100% Blue Agave.
132 Reviews
Classic Azul
The best Tiquella I ever tried I love this one and I would recommend it to everyone, you would love it, it’s very smooth and you feel great and no headache the next day
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila
Fabulous! best tasting reposado I’ve ever had. Shaken, served up in a martini glass for sipping makes for a highly enjoyable drink (or two)
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila
Hi, I'm gonna cheat a little bit and not review the Clase Azul Reposado itself. We all know (or should know) that it's an excellent choice for a fine sipping tequila. Kind of mind-blowingly good. But instead, I just wanted to say what a great experience I had purchasing through Old Town Tequila. I had bought a bottle of Clase Azul as a gift for a friend in Oregon, then found out they were going to be away when it was scheduled to be delivered. So I wrote a panicky email to Old Town, asking if they could delay the shipment for a week. They were incredibly helpful and accommodating, held the shipment, and the bottle arrived at the perfect time. I'm very appreciative and recommend ordering with Old Town to anyone who may be considering it.
Clase Azul Repo and Old Town Tequila
Clase Azul speaks for itself and Old Town Tequila provide great service and product.
Really good tequila
Really good tequila
Best tequila I have ever had!!
I first tried this in Reno and I am hooked!! Can’t wait to purchase another bottle of this magnificent liquor!!
Old Town Tequila/Clae Azul Tequila
Great tequila, best place to purchase. Love Old Town Tequila. We order monthly and have it shipped to Vegas
Five star taste
This is the only tequila my wife will drink. She doesn’t like any other tequila I made her a margarita with this but I didn’t tell her what it was and this is the only one she will drink.
My favorite tequila at a reasonable price. And one of the few places to consistently have a large supply.
Clase Azul
Very smooth, very pleasant, nice tequila-kind-of-buzz, amazing tequila. A life experience you truly must have!!