Pulque Penca Larga Natural Flavored 4/Pack 355ml
“Penca Larga” means long leaf, referencing the thick and fibrous leaf of the maguey plant. Pulque is made by extracting the mead from maguey plants that are between 8 and 10 years of age. Aged for 6 to 12 months, the mead goes through a fermentation process and pasteurized, resulting in a refreshing beverage.
Getting “Pulque Penca Larga” to retain its natural organoleptic qualities and characteristics for more than a year in a bottle means a breakthrough in innovation.
4 Reviews
It was my first time trying and I really enjoyed the flavor. Smooth!
It was my first time trying and I really enjoyed the flavor. Smooth!
El sabor es lo más parecido al pulque original. Muy bueno.
Su sabor es excelente. Lo recomiendo mucho.
El sabor es bueno, casi igual al pulque original.