Nosotros Tequila Reposado 750ml
Gold Medal Award at The San Francisco World Spirits Competition
Nosotros's award-winning blanco tequila is aged in French oak barrels for 11 months...
Batanga Reposado Tequila 750ml
Batanga, born in the heart of Tequila, is made using 100% blue Weber agave with traditional, old-world methods, that have been used for generations. Our jimadors...
Celaya Tequila Reposado 750ml
our reposado is a complex, full bodied tequila with soft and sweet notes of dried fruit. made from 100% agave, this tequila is rested for 3 months in retired...
Superbird Reposado Tequila 750ml
Superbird Reposado takes our blanco base — made with 100% Blue Weber agave — then ages it another 6 months in wooden bourbon & wine casks. The result is deep,...
Southbound Reposado Tequila 750ml
Also a great cocktail companion, Reposado is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks with or without a squeeze of orange. Our Reposado is aged over 2 months in Tennessee...
Vivamor Reposado Tequila 750ml
Crafted at Casa Maestri Distillery, proudly female-owned. Vivamor Tequila is inspired by the passion of four generations with a rich history in tequila, and the love...
Our Reposado is aged for 6 months in white oak barrels. USDA organic
This lightly aged tequila an be used in specialty cocktails, and is delicious to sip.
The reposado has retained the agave aromas...