Solerno is made and bottled in Sicily from local produce in three separate small batch distillations using copper alembic (read cognac pot type) stills.
First is the distillation of the meat of the Sanguinello orange - referred to here in the US as the blood orange - (for those unfamiliar with its appearance, watch the opening sequence on HBO's Dexter).The second distillation is of the zest or outer skin of the orange to capture the citrus oils. The third distillation is of Sicilian lemons (some of the finest in the world) to balance the liqueur and give it a bit more structure (read so it isn't just some overly sweet juice/syrup with alcohol like many of late). It is made without any dyes so the color is all natural and honest - clear.As to sweetening it is made with sucrose from sugar beets, not the devils sweetener, corn syrup, which ruins a lot of liqueurs with it's taste and body.
Taste: Sweet oily entry with light sweet candied, sucrose taste (quite distinctive from cloying corn syrup), luscious citrus blending, with a tang and acidity from the skins of the citrus to provide a delicate balance and interplay that yield a drying acidic backbone that gradually plays out across the midline and back of the tongue like a drying sunrise evaporating dew.
Final Thoughts: Aromatically and gustatorially intoxicating , a wonderful achievement in terms of taste, balance and usefulness as a cocktail ingredient.