Tierra De Ensueno Blanco Tequila 750ml
Our small batch barrel-rested blanco is handcrafted in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico using only natural ingredients: agave, water and yeast. Our artisanal production process utilizes traditional stone ovens, natural open-air fermentation and barrel-resting in extra rare casks for 14 days to create Ensueño’s signature flavor and aroma. We hope you enjoy this special batch no.1 created through a unique collaboration between renowned Master Distiller Sergio Cruz & Master Blender Oscar Vasquez Camarena. Additive Free Alliance member.
Batch #2
2 Reviews
Land of Dreams Great Blanco
Aroma: agave, white pepper, citrus Taste: agave, white pepper, citrus zest, & lime Finish: nice finish of citrus and agave left on the palate. Overall: $65 Great Blanco sweet agave & citrus Will make a great Paloma, margarita, & cantaritos but is also an awesome sipper.
Beautiful Tequila
Wonderfully made and delicious tasting tequila