
Villa One Tequila

Villa One Tequila

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  • Villa One Añejo Tequila 750ml

    Villa One Añejo Tequila 750ml

    Villa One Tequila

    Villa One Añejo is aged for more than twelve months in American oak barrels, resulting in a dark amber color, with notes of rich caramel, wood, vanilla wafer banana essnces on the nose. It has...
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  • Villa One Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Villa One Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Villa One Tequila

    Villa One Reposado is a light gold liquid aged in American oak barrels for six months. It produces bronze aromas with caramel and candy and boasts full, balanced butterscotch, chocolate and smoke...
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  • Villa One Silver Tequila 750ml

    Villa One Silver Tequila 750ml

    Villa One Tequila

    Villa One Silver is a clear liquid with silver shades that is bottled immediately on production to deliver a nose of cooked agave with fruit aromas. It features a continuous bouquet of dried fruit...
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