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  • Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No.3 Barbados 750ml

    Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No.3 Barbados 750ml

    Jung and Wulff

    Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No.3 Barbados 750ml Jung and Wulff #3 is a full-bodied, buttery aged rum. Perfect in its exemplification of Barbados rum, early on the palate is a range of tastes from dark chocolate to dried fruits, to burnt sugar. Creamy and...
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  • Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No.2 Guayana 750ml

    Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No.2 Guayana 750ml

    Jung and Wulff

    Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No.2 Guayana 750ml Jung and Wull #2 has a beguiling flavor profile. The toasted opening is rich and creamy in texture, confectionary at entry; then roasted and bittersweet, slightly smoky, with an undercurrent of grassiness at...
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  • Dos Maderas Double Aged Rum 5+3  750ml

    Dos Maderas Double Aged Rum 5+3 750ml

    Dos Maderas

    Dos Maderas Double Aged Rum 5+3  750ml Aged for five years in the Caribbean  Aged for three years in Jerez, Spain  40% alc 
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  • Gustoso Aguardiente Blanco Artisanal Rum 750ml

    Gustoso Aguardiente Blanco Artisanal Rum 750ml


    Gustoso Aguardiente Blanco Artisanal Rum 750ml A blend of fermented can juice distilled in a pot and first press molasses distilled in a copper column. Aroma: Creamy with buttery and herbal notes, a hint of cinnamon and ripe banana.  Taste: Full...
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  • Saison Caribbean Rum 750ml

    Saison Caribbean Rum 750ml

    Saison Rum

    Saison Caribbean Rum 750ml Jérôme Tessendier creates many fine blends of cognacs, receiving high honors and top awards. He now turns his eye towards the Caribbean, and entrusts his unique knowledge to create an exclusive rum.  42%...
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  • Saison Rum Pale 750ml

    Saison Rum Pale 750ml

    Saison Rum

    Saison Rum Pale 750ml Saison Rum Pale is a blend of unaged rums selected from Barbados, Trinidad and Jamaica, expertly blended then rested in mature French oak barrels. This last step gives a hint of roundness and unctuosity to this fresh, fruity and...
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  • Surf City Small Batch Surfrider Rum 750ml

    Surf City Small Batch Surfrider Rum 750ml

    Surf City

    Surf City Small Batch Surfrider Rum 750ml Founded in 2017 as the first distillery in Huntington Beach, we strive to make each batch from the best ingredients and instill our passion for surf, sun, and spirits into every bottle. Surfrider Rum has...
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  • Kuleana Rum Works Nanea A Blend of Aged Rums Aged 2 Years 750ml

    Kuleana Rum Works Nanea A Blend of Aged Rums Aged 2 Years 750ml

    Kuleana Rum Works

    Kuleana Rum Works Nanea A Blend of Aged Rums Aged 2 Years 750ml Nanea is a world that sums up the Hawai'i effect. It means: "of absorbing interest; fascinating, enjoyable; relaxed at ease, tranquility, amused." It especially means "to have a good time."...
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  • Kuleana Rum Works Huihui A Blend of White Rums 750ml

    Kuleana Rum Works Huihui A Blend of White Rums 750ml

    Kuleana Rum Works

    Kuleana Rum Works Huihui A Blend of White Rums 750ml Huihui is something that is "mixed, mingled, united, or pooled together." Huihui can be a group of people, a constellation of stars, or a great cocktail. Huihui Rum blends a delicious molasses-based...
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  • Kuleana Rum Works Hawaiian Rum Agricole 750ml

    Kuleana Rum Works Hawaiian Rum Agricole 750ml

    Kuleana Rum Works

    Kuleana Rum Works Hawaiian Rum Agricole 750ml Our Hawaiian Rum Agricole is distilled locally from the fresh pressed juice of Kô (heirloom Hawaiian sugar cane) grown and harvested on our farm in Kohala. The origins of our kô strands trace...
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